Our purpose and values

Cornilleau's raison d'être is to create links and enjoyment through play, using quality, design and sustainable products.

This vision guides the actions of the company and its members on a daily basis. It is also shared with its various partners.

Together we play

« The pace of our lives sometimes makes us forget something essential: living together in intense and warm moments is a necessity. The joy that games bring is unparalleled, and their virtues are countless. We are committed to cultivating these moments and helping you enjoy them sustainably. We believe that leisure products that can be used for several decades should seamlessly integrate into their environment, even enhancing it. That is why we have created the Play-Style universe. »

Michel Zany, President

At the heart of Cornilleau's purpose lies the Play-Style universe, a range of products designed to bring people together with a unique design. Cornilleau relies on strong values to make its purpose a reality. Shared by all, employees and partners alike, these values guide the brand's actions.


Expertise at the service of quality. Cornilleau's know-how is evident not only in the design and industrial production of its products but also in other aspects. Over the decades, the brand has developed a high level of proficiency in service, spare parts, and logistics. All of this is done to provide the best to its customers and partners.


At the forefront of transforming lifestyles and habits. Sometimes, even inventing them. Innovation can take many forms and address various aspects. Providing new possibilities for usage, enhancing ergonomics and accessibility, and pushing the limits – of quality and durability, so that users can fully enjoy the products from generation to generation.


Sharing moments, slices of life, and much more. Coming together around play, whether as an active participant or spectator, to discover or rediscover others and better reconnect with oneself, regardless of one's profile. Also, sharing values to progress in harmony, together, and always go further. 


Drawing on the enjoyment that playing brings to better reap its benefits. Seizing the present moment and knowing that it can be repeated. We take pride in creating products that are not only enjoyable to use but also pleasing to the eye. We are dedicated to having them embody the positive spirit that drives us, serving as a source of well-being and pleasure, all in a sustainable manner. 


Playing the game by the rules, fairly and responsibly, towards others and the planet. Striving to be the best, yes, but not at any cost. We always prefer the solution that seems fairest to us, maintaining a spirit of fair play that we never compromise on. It guides us, enables us to move forward together as a team, and reminds us of our duty of solidarity. We prioritize people, and consequently, the planet, with products that are durable, repairable, and manufactured under good conditions.

Discover more about the Cornilleau brand DNA

A history of innovations


Responsible products


Sustainable by nature